Letzte Änderung: 08.01.2024
In diesem Tutorial zeige ich, wie man den Einstieg in HiCAD erfolgreich bewältigt. Ich erläutere die Grundlagen der Benutzeroberfläche und wie man die Funktionen nutzen kann. Das Ziel ist ein reibungsloser Einstieg und besseres Verständnis der Oberfläche.
In diesem Video erläutere ich die Bedeutung der Farben in den HiCAD-Icons und wie man die Darstellung für eine einfachere Nutzung optimieren kann. Ich zeige nützliche Befehle und wie man mit den Andockfenstern umgeht.
In the video I explain the basic types of commands in the ICN ( Information + Communication Navigator ) there is. Of course, it is also only a complete BASICS video to get along better in HiCAD. So that one creates the easier entrance or changeover from another CAD system.
ne overview of all symbols in ICN inden them here.
Um die HiCAD-Benutzeroberfläche zurückzusetzen, beispielsweise wenn ICN-Fenster trotz Aktivierung unter Einstellungen – Andockfenster nicht angezeigt werden oder wenn in den HiCAD-Symbolleisten oder Ribbons falsche Icons oder Texte erscheinen, steht Ihnen das Tool HiCADGUIReset.exe im HiCAD-EXE-Verzeichnis zur Verfügung. Dieses Tool setzt sämtliche HiCAD-Benutzeroberflächeneinstellungen, einschließlich derjenigen in der Windows-Registry und im Verzeichnis %APPDATA%, auf den Standardzustand zurück, wie er nach der HiCAD-Installation vorliegt.
For more information not explained in the video about resetting the interface, such as loading and saving the interface, please see here.
In diesem Video gehe ich auf die neuen Funktionen in der Statusleiste “visibility” und “Autopilot” ein, zeige was diese Funktionen machen und wie man sie anwenden kann.
The autopilot options are used when a more precise definition and application of the point capture options is desired to allow the targeted capture of various points.
In this video I show you how to make keyboard shortcuts or your own Ribbon can tinker. This gives you much faster access to the most important commands and you can use HiCAD much better.
With the Parts filter you can search very quickly and easily for different parts in a design in HiCAD. You can search for the most different attributes and properties. With this you can List views / Parts lists and create workshop drawings.
The Designchecker enables a wide range of design checks. These range from general feature tests to specific checks in the area of HCM. In addition, manufacturing-relevant design checks such as the mountability check or the monitoring of the maximum dimensions of parts and assemblies can be performed.
These tests are continuously extended with each new version. In HiCAD 2024, additional useful tests will be added to check designs for errors even more effectively.
It is often necessary to determine the center of gravity of an assembly in order to move it efficiently. This video clearly shows how to determine the center of gravity of an assembly. This can be facilitated by selecting the appropriate point options, which are selected with the Enter key.
With the Functions Searchs you have the possibility to search for all commands within HiCAD. This opens up new possibilities in learning and deepening HiCAD. The speed of designing increases considerably.
Part statistics in HiCAD gives you the possibility to filter parts, which can have a positive effect on performance. This greatly facilitates the optimization of designs.
In this specific example, the design contained some optical parts that significantly slowed down the display mode change. Therefore, it was necessary to identify and exclude these parts in order to improve the speed of the display mode change.
From HiCAD 2021 it is finally possible to have one Name of the sheet to forgive. Until HiCAD 2020 this was only possible with numbers.
It is possible if you go to the respective sheet with the RMT, then the following command appears.
Mit “Zoom on detailed view” können sie direkt auf die Detailansicht eines Aktiven Blattes springen und somit schneller bearbeiten.
Now it is also possible that Active view of a construction to be highlighted graphically. In my example I have only shown this very gently so as not to confuse myself.
You can also switch this on / off and configure it very easily in the configuration. You can get the color values from the Color editor take to set the RGB values (color values).
In HiCAD 2021 SP1 you can select the color directly in the configuration.
The HiCAD color editor is used to define and manage drawing and special colors.
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