Steel construction

Last change: 19.12.2023

Überschrift H2

profile installation

Überschrift H2

Profile installation before HiCAD 2023 SP2

In this video I will show you how to insert standard profiles in HiCAD. You will see a wide selection of standard profiles that are available in HiCAD and are available in different standards.

I also explain where you can find aluminum profiles in HiCAD. This information is often requested, as many users want to know whether HiCAD has aluminum profiles in its database.

This is the profile installation dialog that was introduced with HiCAD 2023. In the picture you can already see the extensions that were added in HiCAD 2024.

In this video, I will also briefly discuss how you can create custom cross sections in HiCAD. It is important to note that there are currently no pre-designed sections available. You have the option to create your own cross sections as needed in HiCAD.

Überschrift H2

Profile cutting

In this video, I will explain how you can edit profiles in HiCAD using the "Cut to edge" and "Miter" cutting functions. You will see what results this produces and what additional options these functions offer you.

I would particularly like to point out the effects of the "Extend" function in this dialog.

Überschrift H2

user profiles

In this video I show some profiles from the user profile library. This library contains a large number of other profiles that are already stored by the ITS.

Überschrift H2

Cut to pipe

Understand how to make bleeds on round profiles - with the "Bleed on 2D line" command in HiCAD. An easy way to create precise bleeds on pipes and other profiles.

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profile sheet

Use profile sheets from the catalog to insert sheets like profiles. You can then edit them further using the corresponding profile commands.

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Use the extension functions to quickly and easily adjust profiles to the desired length. You have 3 commands at your disposal to do this efficiently.

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Warped profile

The "Warp profile" function allows you to easily realign and adjust profiles in the construction.

In this situation, you can use the "Warp profile" function to correct the alignment and thus save design work and time.

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exchange profile

The "Replace profile" command allows you to quickly and easily replace individual profiles and profiles using multiple selection. The following image shows the selection if you want to replace a single profile.

To exchange several profiles, select the desired profiles and then right-click on one of the selected profiles to display the following dialog.

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add profile

The "Add profile" command makes it easy to add an additional profile to an existing profile.

In the ribbon steel construction toolbar, you will find various options and commands for adding profiles.

In the steel construction ribbon, you can also use the multiple selection to select and add profiles with the right mouse button.

Überschrift H2

Straight stairs

The staircase configurator makes it possible to define straight flights of stairs quickly and easily and to adapt them quickly if necessary.

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Spiral staircase

The spiral staircase is also hidden in the industrial staircase function

Here you can see very nicely how such a spiral staircase can look, this is not to be confused with the spiral staircase.

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The 3D grid can be created easily and flexibly and can be used optionally in the design, as required.

Überschrift H2

grid lettering

With the grid labeling you can create the labels for the grid very quickly

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Überschrift H2

Profile rod generator

Überschrift H2


Überschrift H2

Trimming on outer edge

The "Trim to 2D line" command enables profiles to be simply trimmed along their outer edge, regardless of the display option in HiCAD. Please note that when selecting the side, the outer side is always selected in relation to the profile axis.

!!!Make sure you select the correct side of the profile to be cut!!!

6 Kommentare

  1. Hallo Martin, auf die Bleche ist es möglich. Dazu musst du nur beim Automatischen Export von DXF dies anpassen, dazu werde ich in Zukunft sicher noch ein Video machen. Bei den Profilen ist das jedoch nicht möglich, da wir auch noch keine Generelle Antwort haben wie das die Rohrlaser können. Ich habe da schon mit einigen Anwender gesprochen welche einen Rohrlaser haben diese haben mir jedoch immer wieder gesagt, das sie nicht generelles außer das man wirklich eine Vertiefung rein macht kennen.

  2. Guten Abend Michael,
    Kann man im Geländerkonfigurator auch welche mit einem Stirnblech machen, wo die Staketten direkt auf das Blech verschweisst werden? Gruss und schönen Abend wünscht Dir Andi

      • Hallo Michael,
        vielen Dank für den Input. Wenn ich das Stirnblech gezeichnet habe, wie kann ich die Verschraubung positionieren. Ich kann ja, keine Ebene in ein
        rundes Blech erstellen. Gibt es da eine Möglichkeit?
        Muss ich zuerst ein gerades Blech mit der Verschraubung erstellen und anschliessend runden?
        Gruss Andi

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